Thursday, March 20, 2008

New job!

I am doing architectural photography for a building management company. I was so excited that I am really starting out. It was interesting. The security for the building did know that I was coming and asked me inside to confirm everything. The reason that they where so protective of the building was because it was a home land security facility. I almost got detained by the government. I thought it was a little funny. They just called my contact with the company and everything was good. It did make for an interesting day though.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

MORE Angel & Carter

These where on my phone and they are to cute to not show!
-Katy McGrath

Angel and Cater

This is Angel and Carter. They are my niece and nephew. I think. They are my cousin's babies. Carter is my God son. I am so proud of him and he is only 1. I am also proud of Angel. She is so sweet it would make your heart warm no matter who you are. I love these two with all my heart. They are getting so old.


Here are some photos that I took at Six Ring Circus and the Brave New Workshop. By the way it is on every Tuesday at 7:30 and it is only a $1. Sweet!!!
This is the other thing that I love to do besides photography. These are some of the closet friends. It is amazing how close you can get so someone once you have made a fool out of yourself. But in a good way. Making people laugh can give you a high better than any drug. Not that I know that for a fact or anything. But I wouldn't want to find out anyways.

I just want to see how mobile blogging works. Hope it does
-Katy McGrath
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

What is going on?

I just had to start a new account. I am not sure what happened but here is a new one. I am also not sure if anyone had read the other on. That is okay. I hope to be putting up lots of fun photos showing what I am capable of. I hope that you will enjoy.
Happy St. Patrick's Day. GO IRISH!!
-Katy McGrath
Hope you enjoy