I am doing architectural photography for a building management company. I was so excited that I am really starting out. It was interesting. The security for the building did know that I was coming and asked me inside to confirm everything. The reason that they where so protective of the building was because it was a home land security facility. I almost got detained by the government. I thought it was a little funny. They just called my contact with the company and everything was good. It did make for an interesting day though.
This is Angel and Carter. They are my niece and nephew. I think. They are my cousin's babies. Carter is my God son. I am so proud of him and he is only 1. I am also proud of Angel. She is so sweet it would make your heart warm no matter who you are. I love these two with all my heart. They are getting so old.
Here are some photos that I took at Six Ring Circus and the Brave New Workshop. By the way it is on every Tuesday at 7:30 and it is only a $1. Sweet!!! This is the other thing that I love to do besides photography. These are some of the closet friends. It is amazing how close you can get so someone once you have made a fool out of yourself. But in a good way. Making people laugh can give you a high better than any drug. Not that I know that for a fact or anything. But I wouldn't want to find out anyways.
I just want to see how mobile blogging works. Hope it does -Katy McGrath -- Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
I just had to start a new account. I am not sure what happened but here is a new one. I am also not sure if anyone had read the other on. That is okay. I hope to be putting up lots of fun photos showing what I am capable of. I hope that you will enjoy. Happy St. Patrick's Day. GO IRISH!! -Katy McGrath Hope you enjoy
I love Photography. It is my passion. My first real true love. I also love improv. I do it as much as I can and hope some day be good enough to go somewhere with it. I am not yet sure where that is.